PAC Meeting –  Thursday November 5, 2020

Call to Order – President’s Remarks and Welcome – 5 minutes

  1. Introduce 2020-2021 PAC Exec 

Treasurer’s Report – 10 minutes

  1. Current Balances:
    1. Gaming Account: $11,248.79
    2. PAC Account: $12,525.21
      1. We discussed issues with the swag, and the upfront investment cost we had – $2,522.85 in MTP Stock which we plan to make up by selling or using for promo etc.
  2. Draft Budget 2020-2021:
    1. Total Anticipated Revenue for this year: $10,840.00
    2. Total Projected Expenses: $20,000.00
    3. Projected Balance as of June 30, 2021: $9,574.00

Planning for Year  

PAC discussed options and ideas for the school year that would give students a ‘normal’ experience and would be available to all students so that Gaming money could be used. 

Confirmed decisions for 2020-2021 school year:

  1. Hip Hop Workshop – Jonathan following up with them on timing (school calendar and weather) 

Jonathan conveyed from the teachers that the teachers like the idea but were hoping for a different facilitator.

We asked for feedback and one that was suggested was Dance Pl3y – there was too much focus on performing which stressed out some reticent kids, and there was a suggestion to focus more on movement than performance.

Laura asked if we’re able to pass the feedback directly to the previous studio and ask them to tweak, or if we should find another company.

Jonathan suggested that 3-4 teachers on the Team chat suggested Dance Pl3y as an alternative, and Laura will check in on them.

  1. Saleema Noon Workshops – Sexual Health Educators – Idea has been presented to the school staff and Loree will follow up once Jonathan confirms whether or not teachers are interested – 

Jonathan mentioned this had a lot of interest from teachers.

Jonathan will get a class composition list so we can book it.

  1. Movie License and Pizza Lunch offering to every class – Teachers to decide when to have – Mandy can confirm with teachers at Teacher Meeting

There was interest in a Pizza lunch, as long as they are individual pizzas or a single person with tongs.

Jonathan will find out the Movie License cost and convey to teachers that we’re ready to facilitate when they are.

  1. Petit Architect – As Petit Architect teacher would not be allowed in the school due to COVID restrictions, let’s discuss if this is still a viable option. 

Jonathan conveyed that the teachers had some issue with Petit architect as it was difficult to facilitate outside

Loree had discussed this with the facilitator, and without access to the school it may be difficult – this is a great idea but may be put off until post-COVID era.

  1. Book drive – Nancy, Celia and Carie lead, will work with Ms. Pendry to confirm list of books and set up as a Christmas Tree to help support the diversity audit of the library

There was much enthusiasm about this issue. Carie & Nancy spoke with Ms. Pendry and received a list regarding what books the library requires to diversify its holdings.

They will have discussions with Pulp Fiction books to support local.

We discussed a non-denominational theme to tie it all together, like snowflakes.

We also discussed a way to sticker the books so it can show which family donated these books.

Carie will send the list of books to April who will help fill in any gaps with the list. 

The book drive subcommittee will meet to figure out some of the details and get in touch with the PAC about distribution, flyers or the PAC website.

  1. Author talks / Human library / Anti Racism Work – separate amount of PAC money will be ‘reserved’ and held separately from the other items above to help support this work during the year. Let’s make a decision on amount for this year.

We discussed trying to come up with an amount, and Carie is going to crunch the numbers and get back to us.

For Discussion – 60 minutes

  1. MTP Store 
    1. – lots of great response, estimated profits, minimum order quantities needed to be reached on waterbottles/umbrellas/socks/toques/ball caps
    2. – how do we push these out throughout the year? – add to our MTP PAC shop
    3. Reflectors – Thanks to Michael and Allison for working on this, available for order through our MTP website – order by November 13th 
  2. Conversation about Planning for 2020-2021
    1. PAC reps attended Teacher Meeting Thursday, October 29th – let them know our plans for the year and encouraged them to bring their ideas forward, asked them about Sea Smart Virtual Class
    2. Other – Bring forward:
      1. MTP Day – planning and possible online auction, 50/50 Bring forward until January
      2. Parent Social? We’re trying to figure out what works best, maybe trivia or zoom.
      3. Potluck / Picnic / BBQ for Spring
      4. Parent workshops
  3. Library Update 

 Ms. Pendry is still sourcing, bring forward and Carie is running point..

  1. PAC Website 
    1. – bringing to another level – Celia, Melissa and Meghan to connect with Mike

The web store is live and has taken a few orders already, and flyers are going out soon.

 A few of us will liaise to discuss content.

  1. MTP FIDO Committee Update 
    1. – new signs

Kirk, has new updated signage to print and display around the field to deal with the dog issue. 

Kirk is presenting two different signs, and the feedback from the meeting will be circulated to the graphic designer.  

Jonathan mentioned that signage can be printed through the VSB.

There was discussion of a proposal to allocate some of the gravel field to a dog park, or propose to the Park’s board to allocate part of Dude Chilling.

Laura discussed potential issues with attracting more dog owners during school hours.

  1. Vancouver City Planner Work 
    1. re: walkability of the school / neighbourhood 

Laura discussed the PAC’s previous interactions with the Vancouver City Planner. A lot of study was done around this but not too much implementation.

Laura will follow up with the city planner to see what is happening.

Link available here.

  1. How do we increase parent engagement in the time of Covid?
    1.  How do we reach out to parents who struggle with engagement due to barriers around technology, resources, shift work, language or other things that get in the way of participating? In what ways can we still participate as a community around our kids school? Jonathan mentioned facilitating access for students who didn’t have access to technology.  We discussed community building in the time of covid. Bring forward to the next meeting.

Principal’s Report – 45 minutes

  1. Q’s for Jonathan
    1. What are the dates for re-entry for the students in option 4?
      1. Option 4 ends in January – if kids don’t come back they enter a parallel system.
    2. What percentage of people came back in October?
      1. More than half returned in October
    3. Registration Has Begun!
      1. Registration has opened for new students who are in the catchment area, Jonathan will update with numbers at the next meeting
      2. We have 3 Kindergarten classes, 2 filled with in-catchment students and 1 with out-of-catchment
    4. We survived Halloween
      1. No damage, no bricks, no fires set
    5. Partnership with CityReach
      1. They provide groceries for families in need – a weekly grocery and produce delivery group
    6. Remembrance Day
      1. No schoolwide assembly, virtual and prerecorded
    7. Pro D – November 27
    8. Report Cards – CSL – Communicating Student Learning 
      1. (no letter grades)
      2. Focus on strengths and growth areas
    9. School Photos
      1. They are on hold, no outsiders in the school
  2. Standing Item: Racism and Discrimination
    1. Updated Code of Conduct
    2. Present school process for when a child has experienced racism or discrimination at school (whether it was witnessed or reported)
    3. Anti-Racism Reps – Mr. Sidhu and Mrs. Williams
    4. Jonathan is asking for PAC funding based on a recommendation from district reps for diversity flags to put up around the school –
      1. The Progress Flag – LGBTQ + Trans inclusivity + BIPOC inclusivity
      2. The Ask: $25 a piece X 15 flags = $375 + Tax from the Vancouver Flag Store
      3. Around $450 allocated for the flags + buttons – 
        1. Mandy put forward a motion for the PAC to pay the cost of the flags
        2. the motion was seconded and approved
        3. Carie will reach out to Mr. Sidhu
    5. How can PAC support this work?
      1. Vancouver School Board
      2. Break the Silence: The Power of Active Witnessing — LeaderShift
      3. Anti-Racism School Lead – Mr. Sidhu and Mrs. Williams
      4. Anti-Racism PAC Subcommittee – 
        1. A subcom to suggest to the PAC ways the PAC could support MTP’s efforts in anti-racism

We will send out a request to form an anti-racism subcommittee

Nassim Elbardouh (she/her/hers)  

District Resource Teacher for Diversity & Anti-racism

Phone: 604-790-1575   

Estrellita Gonzalez – New Trustee Liaison for MTP – we discussed inviting her to join a meeting in the future.

Next meeting – Thursday December 3, 7:30 – 9:30 via Zoom