PAC Meeting –  Thursday December 3, 2020

PAC Meeting –  December 3, 2020

Call to Order – President’s Remarks and Welcome – 5 minutes

Carie voted to approve last meeting’s minutes, seconded by Craig

Treasurer’s Report – 10 minutes

  1. Current Balances:
    1. Gaming Account: $11,248.79
      1. We discussed whether or not we can allocate funds from the gaming account for the Saleema Noon workshop
    2. PAC Account: $12,090.48
    3. Stripe Account (Reflectors): $361.02 
  2. Draft Budget 2020-2021:
    1. Total Anticipated Revenue for this year: $10,840.00
    2. Total Projected Expenses: $20,000.00
    3. Projected Balance as of June 30, 2021: $9,574.00

Planning for Year and Calendar Review  

PAC discussed options and ideas for the school year that would give students a ‘normal’ experience and would be available to all students so that Gaming money could be used. 

Confirmed decisions for 2020-2021 school year:

  1. Hip Hop Workshop – update from Laura on PL3Y – virtual or in person in the spring 
    1. We are planning to put this on hold until the spring.
  2. Saleema Noon Workshops – Sexual Health Educators – Jonathan confirming dates:

Option A: Wednesday and Thursday, January 27 & 28 (parent component would be on the Monday prior so January 25)

Option B: Wednesday and Thursday, February 3 & 4 (parent component would be on the Monday prior so February 1)

This is the first choice, to be tentatively booked and then figure out the parent component as a f/u with Saleema Noon.

*Brought forward from previous conversation: Do we need to provide a waiver form/infosheet for parents? Does the company provide this? Do parents have the option to have their child not participate?

  1. Movie License and Pizza Lunch
    1.  offering to every class – Jonathan to provide Carie with receipt. Teachers will let Jonathan know when they plan to do these and PAC will fund.
    2. Will likely take place in the last two weeks of December before the Christmas break
    3. Jonathan will send the receipt to Carie
    4. Camy’s Pizza is the PAC-recommended Pizza vendor
  2. Book Drive for Diversity Update
    1.  Launched December 1 – January 31 to raise money to purchase books and raise money to help improve the selection of diverse titles for the MTP school library. 
    2. Flyers should come home in backpacks this week and posters are hung in all the exterior doors of the school so parents can see them. 
    3. Website is also ready to go and can take online $ support. –
      1. Increments of $5, $10, $25, $50
  3. Parent Social – Mandy lead – (bring forward to January meeting)
    1. will plan a zoom / trivia for December – date options: Wed, Dec 16th or Thurs, Dec 17th from 8pm – 10pm? 
  4. Tree Chipping – Carie lead –
    1. Sunday, January 3 10-4pm at the east upper parking lot at Kingsgate Mall. 
    2. Volunteers are needed, it’s uncertain if we can bring our children.
    3. The Mount Pleasant BIA always wants an “ask” – a specific thing for their press materials – in previous years they want something specific like “School Jerseys” or “Library Upgrades”
    4. Carie is suggesting we keep it vague as the BIA may not be as concerned about it this year
    5. Motion: We allocate the funds raised from Tree Chipping 2021 towards the Maker Space
      1. Seconded by Celia, 
      2. Motion passes
  5. Author talks / Human library / Anti Racism Work – separate amount of PAC money will be ‘reserved’ and held separately from the other items above to help support this work during the year. Let’s make a decision on amount for this year. – can be brought forward in Sub-Committee Discussion below (bring forward)
  6. Potluck / Picnic / BBQ for Spring (to bring forward)
  7. MTP Day – planning and possible online auction and 50/50 (to bring forward)
  8. Teacher Appreciation Lunch (to bring forward)
    1. Loree will put together some ideas and send out an email about having some goods delivered to the teachers’ room 

For Discussion – 60 minutes

  1. MTP Store and Website
    1. Swag being distributed this week. Thank you to everyone who bought something. There will be additional pieces available for purchase on our website –
    2. Reflector Sale Update – Thanks to Michael and Allison – profit made: $197.19
    3. ‘Launching’ Website
  2. MTP FIDO Committee Update 
    1. – Kirk has finalized new signs
      1. 5 signs will be located around the perimeter, and 1 in the gravel field
      2. Mandy will contact Jonathan regarding the VSB printing the materials
      3. Other schools have approached MTP regarding using our signs or verbiage for their own school grounds
  3. Option 4 Students
    1. Allison is available via email if other Option 4 parents would like to contact her 
    2. Jonathan will organize a forum for Option 4 parents to talk for next Tuesday evening at 5:00 PM
  4. Farm to School Start Up Grants
    1. Genny – Info here (bring forward)
  5. Anti-Racism Sub Committee
    1. Group of Parents who can work with Staff but also on their own to provide resources, information, recommendations to PAC to support our school community, can work with PAC budget for ‘human library’ and resources for school and students
    2. So far one parent has emailed expressing interest, any others please contact Mike to connect everyone up.
  6. Library Update 
    1. No news. Waiting for quotes through VSB.
  7. Vancouver City Planner Work 
    1. re: walkability of the school / neighbourhood (bring forward, Laura is waiting on a response from the City).
  8. How do we increase parent engagement in the time of Covid?
    1.  How do we reach out to parents who struggle with engagement due to barriers around technology, resources, shift work, language or other things that get in the way of participating? In what ways can we still participate as a community around our kids school? 
  9. Reflectors
    1. Allison has mentioned the possibility of MTP branded reflectors at a minimum order of 250.
  10. Christmas Hampers 
    1. Marisa mentioned 14 families who have used Christmas hampers in the past
      1. Hampers include food, small gifts for the parents and gifts for the kids
      2. Due to COVID restrictions, the ask is for cash donations rather than asking a lot of people to go shopping and donate items
    2. $1,350 raised so far
      1. $25 / family member for groceries
      2. $100 in gifts per kid
    3. Looking to fund 14 hampers X $400 
      1. Asking for between $500 and $1,500 to fund some hampers, – ideally 3-4 families/baskets
      2. Previously this was funded by another school, but due to 2020 stuff there hasn’t been enough funding
    4. By next Friday they will have hard numbers of what was raised by the sister school
    5. Carie suggested in absence of other fundraising options that are usually available during the season (ex. Kingsgate Mall giving tree) is there a way for individuals to donate
      1. We do need to be sensitive to the fact that these people are within our community
    6. Carie has motioned that we allocate up to $2,500 of PAC funds to support the family hamper program
      1. Seconded by Loree
      2. Motion passed by a show of hands and torturous vote

Principal’s Report – 45 minutes

  1. Great News
    1. The Federal Government has allocated funding for outdoor education.
    2. MTP has been allocated $12,500 for 10 outdoor boulders/benches to make an outdoor classroom
      1. In terms of placement, Celia has suggested positioning them close to an outlet to help the teachers 
    3. Date TBD – VSB Grounds Department has to implement 
  2. Standing Item: Racism and Discrimination
    1. Updated Code of Conduct
      1. “Racism will not be tolerated at this school” verbiage must be added into the Code of Conduct for MTP
    2. Present school process for when a child has experienced racism or discrimination at school (whether it was witnessed or reported)
      1. Jonathan presented the process for what school staff are to do upon experiencing a racist incident, after being asked by a parent at a previous meeting
    3. Jonathan has updated us on the Anti-Racism Pro-D content
    4. Https:// – an atlas of our neighbourhood pre-Settler
    5. Question from previous meeting: Does the school district keep data on racist incidents?
      1. A: Yes, it is tracked so the VSB is able to measure its reduction.
    6. Anti-racism plan will be put on the website
  3. Covid Exposure
    1. COVID exposure in Division 1 & 2 – November 19, 20, 23, 24
      1. People in Div 1 & 2 were asked to self-monitor
    2. VCH amended the dates after further information
    3. VCH won’t say who was exposed, and doesn’t disclose the number
    4. People who were asked to self-isolate have not tested positive
Action ItemPeople involved
LoreeQuestion for Saleema Noon regarding scheduling/recording of parent seminars
MikeContact Jonathan about advertising the PAC website
JonathanPosting the anti-racism plan to the MTP website (with a direct link if possible)